Burak Raşit Oçak's profile

astroceren.com / Astrology and Fortune Telling Website

Astroceren.com: An Astrology Information Platform
Astroceren.com is a website that provides astrology-related information and resources. During the development of this project, my main focus was to create a user-friendly experience and an aesthetically pleasing design for Astroceren.com.
My goal was to make Astroceren.com a reliable source where users can easily access information on astrology and related topics. To achieve this, I chose to build the website using WordPress, as it offers a user-friendly content management system that is both versatile and easy to navigate.

The homepage serves as an overview for visitors, providing access to current astrology news, featured articles, and popular astrological content. Additionally, I integrated an email newsletter subscription form to encourage users to subscribe and stay updated.
During the design phase, I carefully selected color palettes and visuals to create a modern look for Astroceren.com. I used consistent and readable typography to ensure a cohesive and comfortable browsing experience across the site.
Astroceren.com has become a captivating and user-friendly resource for individuals seeking astrology and related information. With its user-friendly design, easy navigation features, and comprehensive content, Astroceren.com brings together astrology enthusiasts and facilitates accessible information.
Tarot Card Reading System in Astroceren.com
 Unlocking Insights and Guiding Paths Astroceren.com features an innovative tarot card reading system designed to offer users profound insights and guidance on their spiritual journeys. As a key contributor to this project, I set the system and implemented the tarot card reading system, elevating Astroceren.com's offerings to provide a personalized and enlightening experience.
astroceren.com / Astrology and Fortune Telling Website


astroceren.com / Astrology and Fortune Telling Website
